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Facial Care Instructions

Individual instructions may vary on skin type/facial/peel received

For best results and to reduce the risk of complications it is recommended that you consider the following prior to your treatment


What to expect:  Facials are most effective when received monthly, results vary based upon many factors including genetic factors, current skin conditions & at-home care. Please be as clear as possible about your current and past facial experiences, as we can not guarantee results, or know exactly how one's skin will react to a facial service.

      Our Facial services are designed with safety in mind, which means multiple sessions will be needed to see long-term resultsThe day of, and possibly for a few days after a Facial, your skin may feel tight and almost as if you have a sunburn, if you received a peel. All skin types do not physically peel after receiving a Chemical peel; this is due to your skin genetics and your current skincare routine.

      If your skin does begin to peel, it will normally start 2-3 days post-peel, starting around the nose and mouth area, eventually working its way outward. Peeling should be complete in seven days. As the skin peels, it may appear darker on areas with acne breakouts or current hyperpigmentation, until dead skin peels off.

     Microdermabrasion lightly scratches the epidermis to remove skin cells, for best results keep your skin hydrated before and after the procedure. in certain circumstances, fine line scratches can be, made without being apparent during the treatment itself. In this event, please contact the spa. 

     If you have a persistent "burning" sensation after a Facial, this could indicate a reaction to an ingredient in the products used during the treatment. Normally, it is the exfoliation process that will cause discomfort to the skin. Please inform your technician if you have sensitivity, during & after your service. 


  • Avoid sun exposure.  When you must be in the sun, use sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 whenever you go outside, so your skin begins the treatment without residual pigmentation changes from the sun.  We will not perform a Facial on sunburned skin.​


  • For approximately FIVE days before your treatment delay the use of any prescription and over-the-counter products that may cause skin sensitivity such as Retin-A, Retinol, and Glycolics (but not limited to these products).

  • Skin reacts best when you are already following a proper at-home skincare routine consisting of daily cleansing, exfoliation, day/night creams, and SPF.  Please consider our pre & post-care Facial recommendations


Post-Facial Care Instructions

Individual instructions may vary on skin type & facial received.  For best results and to reduce the risk of complications it is recommended that you consider the following before your treatment.


Inform us right away if you experience prolonged discomfort, we can provide skin-calming products for you to use at home. 


 Do not pick or scratch the skin. Even though your skin may feel itchy after a Facial, it is important to resist the urge to rub or scratch the affected skin. Over-touching the treated area may cause complications such as infection and hyperpigmentation. Post-peeled skin may feel as if you have a sunburn, but continued burning is not normal. A cold compress may help relieve any post-peel discomfort. A mixture of 1 Tablespoon baking soda mixed with 1 cup of water may be applied to the face using a cotton ball/pad to reduce a burning sensation if you received a chemical peel.  If you experience discomfort 12 hours post-facial please call the spa at 989-7546 or email us at with your concerns. Waiting to inform us makes it more difficult to identify the cause of your irritation. 


Moisturize. It is important to keep your face moisturized after a facial, dry skin is more vulnerable to cracks and possible scarring.  Make sure to apply cream or lotion diligently in the days and weeks following a Facial or until your skin has completely healed.  Your Aesthetician will instruct you on the recommended moisturizer for your skin type and peel performed. Moisturizing is very important after Peels & Microdermabrasion, as new skin needs to be kept hydrated to avoid possible "scratch marks" or "dry scabby" skin. 


Sun protection.  Shielding your skin from the sun is critical following all types of Facials, peels & chemical peels.  It is best to avoid the sun completely in the first 24 hours and moderately for 7-14 days after a facial unless you are wearing sunscreen. Continue to wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to minimize the formation of new lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.


Stay Cool.  No heat treatments are permitted for 48 hours after treatment. I.e. steam rooms, hot tubs, hot showers, waxing, and strenuous exercise that cause your face to heat up and sweat, which will cause an irritating sensation.


For approximately SEVEN days following your treatment delay the use of any prescription and over-the-counter products that may cause skin sensitivity such as Retin-A, Retinol, Glycols, or scrubs which will only irritate the skin. 


  • Diligently follow and abide by the product recommendations provided to you by your Aesthetician at your appointment.  Doing so will increase the effectiveness and results of your Facial.


  • Please give us a call and we will be more than willing you assist you with any questions you have. Or email us at after business hours

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